Sunday, September 20, 2009

How To Learn French

1) Work your way through Wikibooks: French

2) Download a freeware French-English dictionary (I'm usingFreedict - open-source but not very user-friendly).

3) Download a good book here and ici, and read them side by side.

4) Tune in to web radio (alternatively pick a DVD, and set the language to French and the subtitles to English).

It's amazing how long you can spend on the internet and still not use it to its full potential.

1 comment:

french classes online said...

"There is no magic formula for learning how to speak French - it requires time, energy, and patience. There are, however, some techniques which will make your language study more efficient and thus help you to learn French more quickly.
The two main aspects to language study are learning and practicing, and they go hand in hand. Memorizing vocabulary words won't do you any good if you are unable to use them, so you have to supplement your studies with practice. The following tips on learning French include plenty of practice ideas - if you really want to learn how to speak French, do as many of the following as possible.